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Month: May 2024

The Overlooked Health Crisis in Truck Driving Careers

The trucking industry, the backbone of the global economy, faces an often-overlooked crisis that affects the very individuals who keep the wheels of commerce turning: CDL driver health concerns. With alarming statistics highlighting the prevalence of health issues among commercial drivers, the need for a shift towards preemptive education and wellness training has never been[…]

CDL Wellness Training Academy: Empowering Truck Drivers with Health and Wellness

In today’s fast-moving world, the health and wellness of those who keep our society in motion often take a backseat. At the CDL Wellness Training Academy, we’re on a mission to change that narrative by bringing health and wellness to the forefront of the trucking industry. Our goal is to empower truck drivers with the[…]

Bridging the Gap: Integrating Preventative Wellness in CDL Training

Bridging the Gap: Integrating Preventative Wellness in CDL Training In the bustling world of commercial driving, where the emphasis often lies on the operational and safety aspects of training, a crucial component of driver education frequently gets bypassed—preventative wellness. Preventative wellness in CDL training is not just an added benefit; it’s a vital piece of[…]

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