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Month: October 2024

Unlocking the Power of Preventative Wellness for Healthier Living

Preventative Wellness is a concept that is gaining more traction in our fast-paced world, where health care costs are rising and lifestyle diseases are becoming increasingly common. It represents a shift from treating illness to proactively maintaining health. The philosophy behind Preventative Wellness is straightforward: it’s easier, and often cheaper, to prevent a problem than[…]

Trends in Trucking: The Rise of Health Awareness Programs in CDL Schools

In an industry where the health of its workers is paramount, CDL schools are increasingly incorporating health awareness and fitness programs into their curriculum. This emerging trend acknowledges the critical need for drivers to maintain their health, given the sedentary nature of long-haul trucking and its associated health risks. CDL schools are at the forefront[…]

Transforming Trucking: Hope Zvara Brings Wellness to the Forefront at CVTA’s 2024 Fall Conference

We are thrilled to announce that the health and fitness expert Hope Zvara will be joining the conversation at the Commercial Vehicle Training Association’s (CVTA) 2024 Fall Conference. As the trucking industry grapples with health issues that are more pressing than ever, Hope is pioneering a movement towards a healthier lifestyle for long-haul drivers. When:[…]

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