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Lifestyle Driver Fitness

CDL Wellness Training Academy: Empowering Truck Drivers with Health and Wellness

In today’s fast-moving world, the health and wellness of those who keep our society in motion often take a backseat. At the CDL Wellness Training Academy, we’re on a mission to change that narrative by bringing health and wellness to the forefront of the trucking industry. Our goal is to empower truck drivers with the[…]

Bridging the Gap: Integrating Preventative Wellness in CDL Training

Bridging the Gap: Integrating Preventative Wellness in CDL Training In the bustling world of commercial driving, where the emphasis often lies on the operational and safety aspects of training, a crucial component of driver education frequently gets bypassed—preventative wellness. Preventative wellness in CDL training is not just an added benefit; it’s a vital piece of[…]

How Lifestyle Fitness Secures a Revved-Up Long-Term Trucking Career

Hey there, road warrior! We know that life behind the wheel ain’t always easy. Long hours, hefty responsibilities, and changing time zones take their toll on even the toughest truckers. That’s why prioritizing a healthy lifestyle is essential for sustaining a successful career in trucking. Our approach? Sustainable lifestyle fitness designed just for you. No[…]

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